miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

...Gracias, teacher!...

Hoy quiero compartir con vosotros algo muy curioso.

Resulta que, una vez finalizado el curso escolar, son muchos los estudiantes que envian tarjetas de agradecimiento a sus profesores. (Las encuentras en todos lugares, desde supermercados hasta tiendas de regalo).

El otro dia, mientras almorzaba en un restaurante con cristaleras, pude observar como un grupo de alumnos habia quedado para almorzar con dos de sus maestros. A ella le regalaron un ramo de flores y a el una tarjeta.

Me llama la atencion el respeto que, padres y maestros, inculcan a los estudiantes hacia sus educadores desde pequeños.

U. xx

Today, I want to share something really curious with you .

Once the school is finished, most of the students want to thank their teachers by sending cards. (You can find them everywhere, from supermarkets to gift shops).

The other day, while I was eating in a restaurant with big windows, I could see how a group of students were meeting two of their teachers to have lunch. She was given a bunch of flowers. He was given a card.

It really makes me feel surprised the fact that parents and teachers inculcate students, since very early, respect toward their educators.

U. xx

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